Sara Artemisia, plant spirit wisdom teacher, flower essence practitioner, herbalist, Akashic records reader, abundance coach

Hi, I’m Sara Artemisia



I help wellness professionals and empaths clear their inner blocks and clarify their life purpose by working in collaboration with the plant realm and conscious wisdom of Nature. 

I’ve been coaching people to move through obstacles and connect more deeply with the Earth and their inner guidance for over fourteen years. 

And I deeply love the land and place where I live, which is the traditional ancestral homelands of the Takelma and Shasta people in Southern Oregon.

(Credentials): MS, CMC, Trained Herbalist and Plant Spirit Healing Practitioner, Certified Akashic Records Reader, Master’s degree in Organizational Financial Management. 

Connecting soul purpose & the

wisdom of Nature

The wisdom of Nature offers an incredibly powerful mirror full of guidance for us to understand how the greatest healing comes when we reconnect with who we truly are. This message comes through in all of my offerings: with plant spirit wisdom, flower essences, the Akashic Records, and abundance mindset coaching.

Having always felt connected to Nature and the sacred foundation of life, I also experienced a profoundly transformational shift in my relationship with money over the past decade.

I’ve seen in my own life and in work with clients that when people who are oriented towards helping the world become a better place get clear and aligned with their money, then money becomes a transformational tool for healing in the world.

I share this work with people on the journey of understanding how working in collaboration with the conscious wisdom of Nature can help them fully embody their soul’s purpose.

Sara Artemisia, plant spirit wisdom teacher, flower essence practitioner, herbalist, Akashic records reader, abundance coach, connecting soul purpose with Nature

Why plants, and why now?

We can find the answer to life’s greatest questions when we look to the plants. They’re spirit teachers, helpers, healers, mentors, and friends. And they carry vast amounts of wisdom to nourish our lives if we only take the time to learn how to connect with them.

For years I’ve felt that the plants

are my spirit family

They’re here with us every day, every step of the way, and they’re such patient teachers. I also believe that plants are evolutionarily ahead of us in a spiritual sense, and so we have a lot to learn from them.

And I feel that the next evolution on this planet is a spiritual one, and that we’re currently in it. I know you may already feel this too -  that we’re currently in a time of great change and transformational shifts.

Questions can arise like:

• What can we do?

• Where can we turn and look for guidance? 

• How can we step forward with our fullest gifts in this life during such a time of great change?

For me, the answer is simple: look to the plants. 

What do you see, hear, and feel? Through the very nature of their being, they communicate so much...

• How to be in reciprocal relationship

• How to be rooted and simultaneously expansive

• How to be fully Present, full of light, and resilient through this time of great planetary change

I truly feel that when we connect with them directly from the heart of inner being, we find that the way of the plants is a multidimensional path of alignment and bliss.



What is Multidimensional Nature? 

mul·​ti·​di·​men·​sion·​al | \ məl-tē-də-’mench-nəl \  having or relating to several dimensions (measurements in space); having many aspects or facets

na·​ture | \ ‘nā-chər \  the physical world and everything in it (such as plants, animals, mountains, oceans, stars, etc.); the basic or inherent features of something

When we look deeply into the multidimensional mirror of Nature, we can see and understand the wholeness of our own Being. This is the ultimate goal, process, and purpose of Multidimensional Nature.


Featured as a Guest Speaker on: 

Plant cunning podcast, flower essences, Akashic records, money

Plant Cunning Podcast:

On Flower Essences, Akashic Records, and Money

Flower essence podcast, Sara Artemisia, soul purpose and divine feminine
The Flower Essence Podcast:
Soul Purpose & The Divine Feminine
epic conscious living podcast. plant spirit, plant consciousness, transformational teachers for humanity

EPIC Conscious Living Podcast:

Plant Spirits: Transformational Teachers for Humanity

Want to learn even more about Multidimensional Nature? The Plant Spirit Podcast is for you.




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